Sales Module
Sales Order Tracking
- Procurement for each item in the sales order is closely tied directly or through BOM/Indents for close tracking of the material flow for fulfiling the Sales Order
- Complete material tracking agasinst each item including
- Purchases
- Issues
- Issues to Vendors
- Returns From Vendors
- Finally to get the material cost for the item
- Check out our time schedule for order tracking implementation plan
- Production process is tied to the get realtime update on the progress
- Delays and estimated delivery dates are reported on realtine basis
- Costing of all the labour and resources consumed for delivering the order
- Sales Invoices and all the payments received are tagged to each Sales Order to track Recivables
- All debits and credt for a sales order are rolled up at the Customer/Client level to get overall Accounts Receivables
- Ability to get all the cost and revenue for a Sales Order and profitability at Sales Order level
Sales Order
- Custom Order Details - based on your business needs capture various customer details
- Barcode Support - each order can have a barcode that can be tracked with the invoices
- Receive & Track multiple payments on an order
- Scan and attach documents
- Bulk Orders & Period or subscription Orders
- Collaborative comments, Branded Order as PDF
- Text and/or Email alerts
Sales Invoice
- Choice of Price Master
- Multi level discounts trackable upto Balance Sheet
- Taxes, Duties and Cess computed automatically from Product Master
- Custom Charges
- Multiple receipts
- Multi currency support on the payments
- Terms & Conditions
Rate Contract
- Customer wise contracts
- Product wise contracts
- Period based contracts
- Manage sales invoices from contracts
- Ageing invoices — integration with finance module
Sales Quote
- Manage Request for Quote
- Track Sales Lead product/quote
- Manage Price per customer per period
- Auto generate sales invoice
Hire Purchase
- Payment schedule calendars
- Build and manage Guarantor Base
- Track with Interest Suspense or Cash Price method
- Manage penal interest and penal fees by posting it to the finance books
- Cash & Credit Sales
- Gift vouchers and Coupons
- Optional inventory check - need inventory module
- Optional barcode tracking on batch or lot numbers, again need inventory module
Sales Lead
- Leads for the business
- Track the leads data on various sales campaigns and promotions
- Track the status of leads, till their conversion
- Attach tasks and documents to sales leads for further action by operators
- Send SMSs and e-mails to selected leads.
- Product Catalog & Price Master - import product catalog, categories, assign taxes, duties and cess. Period wise price master and discount master can be loaded at any time
- UOM Calculator - on the fly unit of measure calculations - convert from one unit to another unit
- Credit and Debit Notes - generate item wise credit or debit note
- 2 Step Approval for all transactions - Sales executives or counter professional can use the system and create all the voucher/invoice while a senior accountant or manager can review, make changes if needed and approve them
- Role based access control and system audit trails - The access to various transactions is very fine grained and can be controlled at each small transaction level for each user
- Personalized Stationary - Invoices, Bills and Orders can be customized and branded with your stationary needs. Generate PDF files, notify by email or Text
- Customer Login - Create logins for all your customers to view their invoices and payments
Sign up for a free demo and experience the actual system.
Download sales module brochure as a PDF file.
Read more on sales module scenarios on how to use it.
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