Point of Sale
Point of Sale
- Customized receipt printing and integrate with any USB barcode scanner (we do not provide barcode scanners)
- Individual cash books and live financal book updates
- Keep track of inventory, assign stores to every POS clerk
- Expiry / MFG date or lot / batch number based inventory selection
- Pause and restart a POS session
- Accept credit sales or gift coupons
- Line item based discounts
- Session summary of cash / tax collection
- Customized posting to account books
- Product search based on extended / custom attributes
- Process Sales Return
Inventory Management
- GRN capture based on Purchase Order/Purchase Invoice with purchase module
- Track material across multiple hierarchy of stores and in transit
- Automatic Order generation based on Reorder Level and EOQ/Minimum Order Quantity
- Tracking based on Expiry Date/Manufacturing Date/Batch Number
- Capture Quantity Received/Rejected, Price vendor details in the GRN
- Sales Return inventory accounting
Employee / Staff management
- Employee / staff master with extended attributes
- Job time cards, schedules, cash books and leaves management
- Sales commission based on products, sales and hours / overtime
Customer Management
- Maintain customer master with custom attributes like shopping preferences
- Product purchase history, buying patterns and customer value / loyalty
- Customer referrals and other marketing promotions based on loyalty by multimodal communication / notifications.
- Sales returns, customer complaints and issues tracking system
Transparancy into data
- Sales data analytics — location wise revenue, product wise revenue, collection per employee
- Fast moving products, A/B testing on the location / shelf
- Inventory reports and physical verification lost and found reports
- Vendor / supplier purchase reports, accounts payables and financial books
- Product Catalog & Price Master - import product catalog, categories, assign taxes, duties and cess. Period wise price master and discount master can be loaded at any time
- UOM Calculator - on the fly unit of measure calculations - convert from one unit to another unit
- Credit and Debit Notes - generate item wise credit or debit note
- 2 Step Approval for all transactions - Sales executives or counter professional can use the system and create all the voucher/invoice while a senior accountant or manager can review, make changes if needed and approve the them
- Role based access control and system audit trails - The access to various transactions is very fine grained and can be controlled at each small transaction level for each user
- Personalized Stationary - Quotations, Invoices and Orders can be customized and branded with your stationary needs. Generate PDF files, notify by email or Text
- Supplier Login - Create logins for all your Supplier/Vendors to view their quotations, invoices and payments
Sign up for a free demo and experience the actual system.
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