Can I get my balance sheet and P&L statements whenever I want?

Your financial statements are your business score cards — unless you keep an eye on them you are more likely to lose your focus. Get on to a collaborative environment that lets each of your staff to update the financial data without having to learn accounting or bookkeeping.

We provide complete business solutions for all your business needs. Choose from our wide range of products line, custom fit your solutions as your needs grow, on a highly scalable and customizable cloud computing application platform that supports developing software for big data solutions, high-end analytics, business intelligence, data mining, text analytics, search analytics, and many more.

Pick your solutions from a wide range of delivery models such as SaaS (Software As A Service), private cloud and as standalone, depending on your business needs. Check out various engagement solutions with our customers/partners that we provide. Start to build your own customized software solution that snugly fits your organization without the hassle of maintaining an in-house software / IT team.

Jooji's customer support services are designed to assist you to implement your solutions in a cost effective and timely manner. Your software solution is a custom mix of both our products and the services.

Learn more about how we do it, how long are we doing this and who we all are. Let us start to build your successful software solution together.

Jooji has software solution for every person in your organization

Data based decision support system for top management, transaction work flow management for middle management, marketing lead generation & customer relationship executives, custom made vouchers and forms for easy data entry at suitable business providing points for all your professionals.

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